quinta-feira, novembro 05, 2009

As melhores frases de engate são, sem dúvida, as mais simples!

Todos sabem que o Quentin Tarantino é o realizador/argumentista mais fixe do mundo. E quem melhores diálogos cria. Revi recentemente o Jackie Brown, que muita gente detesta (por "muita gente", deve entender-se "idiotas"), e não obstante todo o enredo ser brilhante, há por lá uma pérola que, só por si, faz valer as quase duas horas e meia de filme. Refiro-me a uma conversa entre Melanie (Bridget Fonda) e Louis (Robert de Niro):

MELANIE: That's a picture of me in Japan.
LOUIS: You been to Japan?
MELANIE: I lived there for about nine months.
LOUIS: You lived in Japan, when?
MELANIE: About five years ago.
LOUIS: Who's arm is that?
MELANIE: That's the guy I lived with... his name was... Hir... Hirosh.
LOUIS: Must of made quite an impression.
MELANIE: I never got to know him, really. I couldn't speak Japanese, and his English was terrible. But I couldn't say anything, because his English was better than my Japanese.
LOUIS: That sounds like a problem.
MELANIE: Not really. We didn't have much to say to each other anyway. I never got to know him that well, but I knew enough to know I wasn't missing much. I keep that, because of all the fuckin' time I was there, that's the only picture I got of me in Japan. (she points beyond her shoulder) That's Japan.

Melanie looks up at Louis.

MELANIE: Wanna fuck?
LOUIS: Sure.

Cá está! Só um génio como Tarantino se lembraria de uma punchline tão simples quanto eficaz. Mas eu, como sou esquisito, ainda acho que se poderia ter simplificado mais a coisa. Eis como eu faria, se fosse o autor do diálogo:

MELANIE: Did you know I was in Japan?
LOUIS: No, I didn't!
MELANIE: Lets fuck?!
LOUIS: Yeah!

Mas até isto pode ser ainda mais simples:

MELANIE: Lets f...
LOUIS: (shuts her mouth and jumps into her pants)

Ahhhh, não há verdadeiramente nada como a simplicidade...

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